Explore the pages here to find out our approach to teaching the elements that for English at St Faith & St Martin Church of England Junior School.
Spirituality in English
Spirituality features in primary school English as it provides an opportunity for children to explore and express their innermost thoughts, feelings and experiences through literature. In reading and writing, children can connect with themes related to their spirituality, such as love, compassion, social justice, and self-awareness.
Through a critical analysis of literature, children can explore philosophical and spiritual concepts such as existentialism, the meaning of life, or the nature of good and evil. At the same time, they can develop their inner world, empathise with characters, and create their narratives. English can also provide a platform for children to make sense of their experiences, navigate anxieties, and process grief through writing stories, poems or journals.
Teaching children mindfulness practices such as noticing and accepting present moments, and meditation can have a positive impact on their spiritual growth. Overall, English provides an opportunity for children to explore their spirituality in meaningful ways, contribute to emotional and social well-being and promote their personal growth.