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St Faith St Martin Church of England Junior School

Behaviour System – Rewards & Sanctions

Please make sure you have read the behaviour policy attached below.

In our school we promote good behaviour and encourage the children to:

  • Take pride in the things they do;
  • Try their hardest to achieve their very best;
  • To respect each other and their environment.

To do this we believe in a system of positive praise and have developed reward systems to promote this.

We have whole school behaviour & rewards in order to create consistency and fairness across the school.



Each class splits into teams and children can earn points for things like good work, trying hard, answering questions and good behaviour.

Each week the Team Captains count up the team points from each class and the winning team has an extra 5 minutes playtime on a Friday morning break-time.


Children who go above and beyond in the classroom or are consistently always working hard and trying their best can be moved up onto the ‘Gold Star’. Each time a child is on the gold star they are given a sticker/gold star stamp in their home-school diary. Each term, the child who has collected the most gold stars takes part in a treat with the headteacher.


Every week a child is chosen by their class teacher for this award. The class teacher needs to fill in the certificate and hand it in during Friday’s staff briefing. These are then presented during Friday’s Celebration Assembly. Winners are also celebrated in the weekly newsletter.


These are given out to children for extra special pieces of works and outstanding effort to do or achieve something within school. If a child earns one of these awards they need to visit Mr Kyle who will issue them with a certificate and sticker. They will also be mentioned in Friday’s celebration assembly and the newsletter.


The midday supervisors award a child in each class ‘Top Table’ each week for good behaviour at lunchtimes. The winners are announced in Friday’s Celebration Assembly.


Attendance Award – To promote being here every day.

A gold and silver trophy are presented in Celebration Assembly for the two classes with the best attendance each week.

Eco-Award – Children from the Eco Committee go round the school at assembly time to check that teachers have turned off all their lights and projectors.

In addition, if someone in your class has achieved something extra special please let the office know so they can be mentioned in the Friday Celebration Assembly.



Our whole school behaviour system is a traffic light system.

Every classroom has the traffic light system clearly displayed with each child’s name on.

See the behaviour policy for more information.