There may be an occasion when the weather is so severe, e.g. very heavy snowfall, that it is considered that the health and safety of pupils are best served by closing the school. This is likely to be a rare event.
Very Heavy Overnight Snow
Staff must contact the school or Headteacher as soon as is practical if they foresee difficulties in getting to school before the start of the school day. Staff are expected to make every reasonable effort to come into school throughout the day.
If insufficient staff – half or less than half of the establishment are able to get to school, the Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher or most senior member of staff in school must contact the Chair of Governors and LEA both to take advice and to inform them of the intention to close the school because of insufficient staff.
Parents will be asked to wait in school until a decision has been made regarding closure. An announcement will then be made about closure of the school. Parents will be asked to:
- Listen to the local radio for any information relating to further closures
- Not to turn children back if they meet them on the way, but to instruct these children to report to school
- Every effort will be made to ensure that no child leaves school unless the school is satisfied that there is proper provision for their care during the day.
- Efforts will be made to contact the parents of any remaining children. If there is no contact then arrangements will be made for those children to spend their time constructively in school.
Teaching and support staff will be expected to make reasonable efforts to get to school where they will be able to perform their duties. Staff remaining at home are instructed to report their situation to their Headteacher and then to carry out school related work from home.
Continuing Severe Weather
When exceptionally severe weather conditions are forecast for the whole authority and the Police are recommending that only essential journeys should be made, the Chief Education Officer may make a decision to close all schools for pupils for the following day. Local radio will be contacted and staff and parents are asked to adhere to any announcements.
Fuel Crisis
In the event of the unavailability of fuel due to industrial action or fuel blockage, then please make all efforts to arrive at school using car-pooling and/or public transport. In the event of no fuel or public transport being available, then please report to your nearest school. If you are unable to do that for the above reasons, then please use the equivalent time at home for school preparation, etc.