We aim to deliver a high-quality design and technology education that engages, inspires and challenges our pupils, providing them with the knowledge and skills to create their own designs. Pupils will understand the role of design and technology has in shaping and reflecting our history. Throughout years three to six, pupils will experience a rich curriculum that will include a variety of inventors and skills required to meet the curriculum standards.
Ensure excellence in teaching and learning within a high quality learning environment, through leadership and within all aspects of school life. Celebrate our pupils’ artistic talents and successes through vibrant curriculum opportunities that cover all aspects of DT: cooking and nutrition; designing and making; learning through history.
Create a positive atmosphere where everyone feels happy, safe and valued; where consistent encouragement, praise and effective feedback lead to success and development in design and technology.
Allow children to explore through stimulating learning environments where they encounter challenging and creative learning experiences. Through study of modern and historical inventors, to develop ideas that reflects upon their own creations.
Spirituality in Design & Technology
Spirituality features in design and technology as it provides the platform for children to create artefacts that reflect their personal beliefs, values and experiences. Through designing and creating objects, children can express their spirituality and explore their connection with nature, other people and their own emotions.
Design and technology can also promote spiritual growth by encouraging children to develop empathy towards others, consider ethical and environmental implications of their creations, and work collaboratively with others to address social issues. Children can use their technological skills to create designs and solutions that tackle poverty, sustainability, and justice issues. Moreover, design and technology can also provide opportunities for children to engage in contemplative and meditative practices, as they explore the inner world of creativity and imagination.